Sony Playstation3 slim 320GB
Sony Dualshock3 Controller
Sony Keypad
Isys PS3 Controller
Sony Playstation Eye
Sony Playstation Move Motion Controller
Sony Playstation Move Charging Station
Sony Playstation Move Shooting Attachment
- Borderlands Triple Pack
- Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
- Brink
- Dance Dance Revolution: New Moves (with Dancemat)
- Der Puppenspieler
- Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster [Limited Edition]
- God of War 3
- Gran Turismo 5
- Gran Turismo 5 [Collectors Edition]
- Grand Theft Auto IV
- Heavenly Sword
- Heavy Rain: Move Edition
- Hyperdimension Neptunia
- Journey (Collectors Edition)
- Katamari Forever
- Killzone 3
- Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix
- Kung Fu Rider
- Lair
- Mamoru-kun wa Norowarete Shimatta
- Mass Effect 3
- Mobile Suit Gundam: Side Stories
- MotorStorm
- MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
- Ni no Kuni: Der Fluch der weissen Königin
- Odin Sphere Leifthrasier
- Playstation Move Heroes
- Playstation Move Starter-Disc
- Rambo: The Videogame
- Resistance: Fall of Man
- Resistance 2
- Resistance 3
- Rockband 3
- Short Peace: Ranko Tsukigime's Longest Day
- Siren Blood Curse
- Sorcery
- Tales of Symphonia Chronicles
- Tales of Xilia (Day One Edition)
- Tales of Xilia 2 (Day One Edition)
- Tales of Zestiria
- The Arland Atelier Trilogy
- The Fight
- The Last of Us
- The Shoot
- TV Superstars
- Time Crisis: Razing Storm (+Time Crisis 4 Arcade & Deadstorm Pirates)
- Time Crisis 4 (incl. G-Con3 Gun)
- Valkyria Chronicles
- Vanquish
- Watchdogs
- WipEout HD fury
- Wonderbook: Das Buch der Zaubersprüche (incl. Book)
- Wonderbook: Das Buch der Zaubertränke
- Wonderbook: Privatdetektiv Diggs
- X-Men Origins: Wolverine
- Amplitude
- Astro Tripper
- Blast Factor Advanced
- Child of Light [Deluxe Edition]
- Cosmophony
- Critter Crunch
- Echochrome
- Ferrari: The Race Experience
- Flower
- Hotline Miami
- Linger in Shadows
- LocoRoco Cocoreccho
- Lumines Supernova
- Magic Orbz
- Mirrors Edge
- MotorStorm RC
- Noby Noby Boy
- Okami HD
- Race to the Sun
- Raiden IV Overkill
- Resogun
- Shatter
- Sky Force: Anniversary Edition
- Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer
- Söldner-X 2: Final Prototype
- Super Rub-a-dub
- Super Stardust HD
- The Elder Scrools V: Skyrim
- The Last Guy
- The Unfinished Swan
- Tokyo Jungle
- .detuned
Last Update: 2024.09.28
Background: Spending Life